Mrs. Magdalene Awinyeliya Kannae is a practitioner in gender, local governance, social development and peacebuilding. She holds a Master Degree in Adult Education from the University of Ghana, Legon and graduated with a second Masters Degree in Gender, Peace and Security from KAIPTC in November, 2020.
She worked with the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS) as the Head of Gender and Social Development Centre for over 14 years. She also worked for almost two decades as a community development officer with the department of community development and rose to the position of Principal Community Development Officer.
As the Head of the Gender Centre, she led in the coordination and facilitation of various programs. Some of these include, training on women participation in local governance for stakeholders from various districts throughout Ghana; development of training manuals and facilitating training programs for newly elected and appointed assembly members of Ghana’s local government practitioners. She has also led the team in the Institute’s collaboration with the UN Habitat Gender Unit and developed gender programmes. Mrs. Kannae is currently the focal person in Ghana for the West African Women Association (WAWA), a sub-regional women’s association operating in all West African countries. She is a member of the following Boards; Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF); Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA); and Basic Needs Ghana